How to become an online coach: 9 steps to successfully retrain and thrive in the digital world

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Welcome to the exciting world of online coaching! Whether you are an experienced professional or a beginner looking to develop your skills, becoming an online coach is a unique opportunity to help others achieve their goals while building a fulfilling career. Discover, in this article, the keys to succeed as an online coach, as well as the tips to stand out in this growing sector. Immerse yourself in this adventure and learn to master digital tools, develop your network, and optimize your visibility on the internet thanks to our complete guide to online coaching. The digital age has never been so conducive to the accomplishment of your professional and personal projects.

Do you want to become an online coach and help others achieve their goals? It is an excellent idea ! In this article, we give you all the keys to embark on this exciting adventure and develop your online business. So follow us!

Training to become an online coach

Key skills to develop

To become a good online coach, it is important to develop certain skills, such as active listening, effective communication, analyzing needs and implementing appropriate strategies. As a coach, you will also have to learn how to motivate and inspire your clients to help them progress.

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The best courses available

Indeed, there are many training courses to become an online coach. Some are internationally recognized, such as the ICF (International Coach Federation) certification, while others are domain-specific (sports coaching, life coaching, professional coaching, etc.). Do not hesitate to compare the training courses and choose the one that best suits your objectives and your desired specialization.

Digital tools for online coaching

Remote coaching platforms

To carry out your coaching activity online, you will need to choose a suitable platform. Zoom, Skype and Google Meet are often used for remote coaching sessions, but there are also dedicated platforms that will help you manage your business and your clients. Besides, MyKlub is a platform that allows you to manage your entire online coach business.

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Essential apps and software

As an online coach, you will need to master certain digital tools to facilitate your daily work. Among these tools, you will find project management applications (Clickup, Trello, Asana), invoicing and customer tracking software (Quickbooks, FreshBooks, Xero) and planning tools (Calendly, Doodle or simply google calendar) . Don't forget to familiarize yourself with social networks, which will be essential to communicate with your customers and make yourself known.

Build your online coaching offer

Define your niche of specialization

To stand out and attract customers, it is important to choose a specialized niche. Sports coaching, life coaching, professional coaching or parental coaching, the possibilities are numerous. Choose an area that you are passionate about and in which you feel comfortable in order to offer the best services to your clients.

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Pricing and operation of sessions

Depending on your specialization, you will have to determine the price of your coaching sessions and their duration. You can offer individual sessions, group workshops or coaching programs over several weeks. Do not hesitate to study the competition to adjust your prices and offer attractive offers.

Promotion and development of its clientele

Digital marketing to attract customers

To make yourself known and attract customers, digital marketing will be your best ally. Create a professional website, write blog articles, animate your social networks and offer promotional offers to attract the attention of your prospects.

Building a network and partnerships

Finally, to develop your clientele, bet on the creation of a professional network and partnerships with other coaches or companies. Referrals and referrals are often the best ways to find new customers.

In conclusion, becoming an online coach is an exciting adventure that requires discipline, investment and work. But by following these tips, you will have all the cards in hand to succeed in this area!


  • Source: ICF France, Become a professional coach,
  • Source: Coaching Magazine, Digital tools for online coaches,
  • Book: The profession of coach, François Délivré, Eyrolles editions

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