Create an online training the ultimate guide

Create an online course: the ultimate guide

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So you are ready to enter the world of online training. Whether you are an expert in your field looking to share your knowledge, or an entrepreneur looking to diversify your sources of income, creating online training is a great initiative. But where to start ? What tools to use? How to structure your course? Don't panic, this guide is here to help you. We will guide you step by step in creating your online training, from the initial idea to sale on a platform. So, ready to get started? Let's go !

Find a theme

The first step in creating online training is to choose a theme. It may seem obvious, but it's a crucial step that will determine the rest of your project. It is important to choose a theme that you are passionate about, but also that arouses the interest of potential learners.

Choose a theme that interests you

The first rule to follow is to choose a theme that you are passionate about. Indeed, creating an online course takes time and energy. It is therefore essential that the chosen subject motivates you and makes you want to share your knowledge. In addition, your passion for the subject will be communicative and will make your training more engaging for learners.

Choose a topic that arouses interest

In addition to choosing a topic that excites you, it is important to choose a subject that arouses interest among potential learners. To do this, you can research current trends in your field, check forums and social networks to see which topics generate the most questions, or use keyword research tools to see which are the most searched topics on the web.

Choose the subject of the online training

Once you have a theme, it is time to choose the subject of your training. This is an important step because the subject of your training must be specific enough to be manageable, but also broad enough to cover a set of skills or knowledge that your learners wish to acquire.

A precise subject for a manageable training

Choosing a specific subject allows you to focus on a particular aspect of your theme and deal with it in depth. This will make your training more manageable to create and easier for your learners to follow. For example, if your theme is photography, you could choose a topic like “The Basics of Portrait Photography” or “How to Use Lightroom to Edit Your Photos.”

A broad subject for a complete training

On the other hand, it is important that your topic is broad enough to cover a set of skills or knowledge that your learners want to acquire. For example, if you choose a topic that is too specific like “How to Use the Radial Filter in Lightroom,” you may not attract many learners because that topic is too specific. It is therefore important to find the right balance between specificity and generality.

Identify your target

Before jumping into the creation of your training, it is essential to know your target audience well. Who are they ? What are their needs and expectations? What are their skill levels? Answering these questions will allow you to create training that truly meets their needs.

Know the needs and expectations of your target

The first step in identifying your target is to understand their needs and expectations. What do they want to learn? What are their goals ? What problems are they having that your training could help solve? You can get this information by conducting surveys, talking directly to your target audience, or analyzing discussions on forums and social networks.

Know your target's skill level

It’s also important to know the skill level of your target audience. Are they beginners who need an introduction to the subject, or are they already experienced and looking to deepen their knowledge? Knowing the skill level of your target will allow you to create training that is adapted to their level and meets their specific needs.

Validate your training ideas

Before you start creating your training, it is important to validate your idea. This means checking that there is a market for your training and that your target audience is willing to pay to learn what you have to teach.

Is there a market for your training?

The first thing to check is if there is a market for your training. To do this, you can search online training platforms to see if similar training already exists. If so, that's a good sign that there is a demand for this type of training. You can also look at the number of registrations for these training courses to get an idea of the size of the market.

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Is your target audience willing to pay for your training?

The second thing to check is if your target audience is willing to pay for your training. To do this, you can conduct surveys or interviews with members of your target audience to find out if they would be willing to pay to learn what you have to teach. You can also test your idea by pre-selling your training before creating it. This is what we recommend!

Determine training objectives

Indeed, each training must have clear objectives. These objectives guide the creation of training content and give learners a clear idea of what they will learn and what they will be able to do at the end of the training.

Learning objectives

Learning objectives describe what learners will be able to do at the end of the training. For example, at the end of a portrait photography course, learners might be able to "choose the right lighting for a portrait", "use their camera's manual mode to control depth of field", or "retouch a portrait with Lightroom".

Educational objectives

Learning objectives describe what you, as a trainer, commit to teaching during the training. For example, in portrait photography training, you might commit to “explaining the principles of lighting in photography,” “demonstrating how to use a camera's manual mode,” or “showing how to retouch a portrait with Lightroom.

Define the training format

The format of your training may vary depending on your topic and target audience. These can be videos, texts, quizzes, discussions, etc. Each format has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of format depends on what works best for your content and your audience.


Videos are a popular format for online training. They allow you to show live demonstrations, explain complex concepts with animations, and create a more personal connection with learners. However, creating quality videos can be expensive and time-consuming.

The texts

Texts are another common format for online training. They're easy to create, can be self-paced by learners, and are ideal for topics that require a lot of detail or reference. However, they can be less engaging than videos and less suitable for learning practical skills.

Quizzes and discussions

Assessments (quizzes, MCQs and personalized assessments) and discussions are great tools to reinforce learning and encourage learner engagement. Quizzes allow learners to test their knowledge and receive immediate feedback, while discussions allow learners to share ideas, ask questions, and learn from each other.

Organize training content

Once you've defined your training format, it's time to organize the content. This may include creating a lesson plan, defining modules, and creating lessons. Good organization is essential so that your training is clear, coherent and easy to follow for your learners.

Create a lesson plan

A lesson plan is like a road map for your training. It details the topics you will cover, the order in which you will cover them, and the learning objectives for each topic. A good lesson plan helps ensure that your training is well structured and covers all the necessary topics.

Define modules

Modules are individual learning units that make up your training. Each module should focus on a specific topic or learning objective. For example, in a portrait photography course, you might have a module on lighting, another on camera setup, and another on photo editing.

Create lessons (courses)

Each module is made up of several lessons. Each lesson should focus on a specific sub-topic or skill. For example, in the lighting module, you might have a lesson on natural lighting, another on studio lighting, and another on using reflectors.

Define the price of your online training

Defining the price of your online training is a crucial step that can have a significant impact on the success of your training. The price of your training should reflect the value you bring to your learners, but it should also be competitive and affordable for your target audience.

Understand the value of your training

The first step in pricing your training is to understand the value you bring to your learners. What are the benefits that your learners will derive from your training? What problems will your training solve? What skills or knowledge will your learners acquire? Answering these questions will help you better understand the value of your training and reflect it in your price.

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Study the competition

The second step in pricing your training is to study the competition. What are the prices of similar training courses on the market? What services or benefits do these courses offer to justify their price? This analysis will allow you to position your training competitively on the market.

Consider your target audience

Finally, it is important to consider your target audience when pricing your training. What is the purchasing power of your target audience? How much are they willing to pay for the skills or knowledge you are offering? It is important to set a price that is affordable for your target audience, while reflecting the value of your training.

Choose your LMS training platform

Once you have created your training, you need a platform to distribute it. There are many LMS (Learning Management System) training platforms on the market, each with their own features and benefits. Here are some points to consider when choosing the platform that best suits your needs.

Platform features

LMS platforms offer a variety of features, such as the ability to create quizzes, track learner progress, issue certificates, and more. Some platforms also allow the integration of external tools, such as videoconferencing tools or email marketing tools. It is important to choose a platform that offers the features you need for your training.

The ease of use of the platform

The ease of use of the platform is another important point to consider. You should choose a platform that is easy to use for you and for your learners. Some platforms offer an intuitive user interface and tutorials to help you get started.

The cost of the platform

The cost of the platform is also a factor to consider. Some platforms offer a free plan with (very or even too) limited features, while others require a monthly or annual subscription. It's important to choose a platform that fits your budget while still providing the features you need.

Platform customer support

Finally, the platform's customer support is an aspect that should not be overlooked. It is important to choose a platform that offers responsive and efficient customer support, to help you with any problems or to answer your questions.

Myklub Overview

If you are looking for an LMS platform that offers a wide variety of features, an intuitive user interface, affordable cost, and responsive customer support, then Myklub might be the platform for you. Myklub is an online training and coaching platform that allows you to create, sell and manage your online training and coaching in a simple and efficient way. With Myklub, you can create interactive courses, track your learners' progress, integrate external tools, and much more. Additionally, Myklub offers a 14-day free trial, allowing you to test out the platform and see if it fits your needs before committing. So don't wait any longer, try Myklub free for 14 days and find out how it can help you succeed in your online training!

Conclusion to create an online training that hits the mark

That's it, you now have all the keys in hand to create online training quality. From defining your theme to organizing your content, each step is important and contributes to the success of your online training or coaching. Remember that the most important thing is to offer quality content that meets the needs of your learners. So don't wait any longer, get started and share your knowledge with the world!

Here are the steps to create an online training with MyKlub:

  1. Sign up for a MyKlub account. It's free for trainers who are getting started, so you can try out all the features before committing.
  2. Create your online course. MyKlub allows you to create modules and courses. You can add videos, pictures, quizzes, and assignments to make your course interactive and engaging.
  3. Manage your learners. MyKlub allows you to add learners to your course. You can follow their progress and give them feedback on their work.
  4. Track learning statistics. MyKlub gives you tracking tools to help you understand how your learners are learning. So you can improve your course.
  5. Promote your online course. Once your course is created, you can use MyKlub's integrated marketing features with your online catalog.

By using MyKlub, you can create professional online training without the need for advanced technical skills. MyKlub allows you to focus on what's important: creating quality content for your learners.

try MyKlub now and find out how it can help you create your online training efficiently and professionally. Test free for 14 days !


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