educational videos

Educational videos and texts: what is the best learning format?

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Let's decipher together the comparison between educational videos and written texts in terms of learning. From this perspective, our analysis will focus on the strengths and limitations of each format. A deciphering aimed at better understanding how to optimize your online program, an immersion in the world of digital education, where the alternation between reading and viewing plays an essential role. So let's shed light on these two essential educational tools, in order to offer a balanced and in-depth view of their use. Be ready to explore the nuances of training in the digital age.

Comparative analysis: educational videos vs. texts for learning

Relevant comparison criteria

To compare the two formats, we will consider criteria such as accessibility, engagement, ease of understanding, convenience and cost. It is important to note that these criteria may vary depending on the individual and their personal preferences.

For example, some learners may prefer texts because they are easier to read at their own pace, while others may prefer videos because they are more visual and interactive.

Overall rating: videos vs texts

Overall, it's hard to say which format is best, because it depends a lot on the person and the situation. However, videos can often offer an advantage in terms of engagement and ease of understanding, while texts can offer more flexibility and convenience.

Now that we have established the comparison criteria, let's move on to the specific advantages and disadvantages of each format.

Benefits of Instructional Videos for Learning

The role of the visual in pedagogy

Instructional videos use visuals to help explain difficult concepts. These visuals can be especially helpful for visual learners who prefer to see information rather than read. Additionally, videos can explain complex concepts in a simpler and more engaging way than texts.

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Ease of access and use of videos

Instructional videos are generally easy to use in online training. In fact, a person can watch a video from anywhere. Additionally, you can watch them at your own pace, pausing, rewinding, or fast forwarding as needed.

Potential Disadvantages of Instructional Videos

Technical and material challenges

One of the downsides of instructional videos is that they require a stable internet connection and adequate hardware to view. This can be a problem for those who don't have easy access to the Internet or don't have the necessary equipment.

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Another potential downside of videos is the risk of information overload. With so much information presented visually and aurally, it can be difficult to absorb it all. However, much depends on the quality of the video and the way the information is presented. Moreover, this is why we strongly invite you to create short videos. A video must contain only one piece of information to convey. This is the concept of microlearning.

The benefits of texts for learning

The flexibility of text-based learning

One of the main advantages of texts for learning is their flexibility. Texts can be read at the learner's own pace, go back to reread difficult passages, and even take notes directly on the text. This can make learning more active and engaging.

Text, a timeless learning medium

Another advantage of text is that it is timeless. Unlike videos, which can become outdated over time, texts remain relevant and useful, even years after their publication. And it remains easier for you as a trainer to modify a text. While remaking a video remains restrictive.

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The challenges of learning through texts

The complexity of texts that are difficult to understand

One of the disadvantages of texts for learning is that they can be difficult to understand, especially if the subject is complex or if the text is poorly written. This can make learning frustrating and discouraging.

Lack of interaction and engagement with texts

Another downside of texts is that they can lack interaction and engagement. Unlike videos, which can include interactive elements like quizzes and practice exercises, texts are often a more passive learning experience. After all, it also depends on whether the video is dynamic or not.

Conclusion: Video or text, which is the best learning format?

Why the choice depends on the learner

As we have seen, the choice between video and text depends very much on the learner. Some may prefer videos for their visual and interactive aspect, while others may prefer texts for their flexibility and convenience. It is important to know these differences to adapt your online training to your learners.

Conclusion: educational videos or texts?

Ultimately, the best learning format is one that mixes the two. The goal of online training is to provide as many formats as we have types of learners. Mixing formats also allows you to maintain the attention level of your learners during their training with you. Varying the educational content is important and each format has its advantage.


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Educational videos and texts: what is the best learning format?

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